Friday 27 February 2015

Magazine analysis

Denotation: This is a Vogue magazine which was released in November. The masthead is gold and the theme colours are gold, purple, white and black. The font style is the same throughout but it changes with different sizes and colours. The barcode is positioned at the bottom left hand corner. The model is positioned in the middle of the page with her hands on her hips; she is wearing a purple dress which is decorated with gold, brown, black and white beads around her neck. The model is standing on a path or slabs in front of a building which has been blurred. Connotation: The use of the purple, black, white and gold makes this magazine look sophisticated and is aiming at an age group of twenty to forty. These colours have also been used to give of a warm feeling which will attract attention due to the magazine being released in winter and usually people like to be warm in the colder months of the year. The cover lines uses the same font throughout and the main line is purple and any other added extra information is white .The model is posing with her hands on her hips, which is showing she has attitude and is strong which is aiming at females showing how independent they can be. The main cover line which is in a larger font size compared to the other cover lines says 'warm up winter' and then goes on to talk about wearing dresses in the winter, may be the reason why the model is wearing a purple dress outside in November. The 'warm up winter' theme is carried on throughout this front cover due to the use of colours which are gold, purple, white and black, which gives it a warm feeling. The models makeup gives of a natural look which appeals to the magazine targeted audience which are females aged between twenty to forty, usually between these two age groups females like to give themselves more of a natural, mature look compared to the colourful makeup selection they may have used to warn. The models head is in front of the masthead, which shows how they don't need to have their masthead standing out for customers to buy, because they are confident in that their customers will easily be able to tell that this is a Vogue magazine and will try to find it surrounded by hundreds of magazines. The barcode and the price is positioned at the bottom left hand corner which is the standard position to find it, which allows their customers to find it easily.