Monday 3 November 2014

Contents page analysis two

Denotation: This is a teenVOGUE magazine, the masthead is positioned at the top in the middle of the page, underneath is the dateline which is magazine was released which was September 2011, these are separated with a red line. The theme colours for this magazine are black, grey, red and pink. This pages title 'fashion & features' is positioned length ways down the left hand side of this page. There is an image of Taylor swift on the top right hand side of the page positioned below the dateline, the image is labelled with a box which says 'Get to know the real Taylor Swift' it is also labelled with the page number of this feature article. The articles are presented in three sections; page numbers are red, below are the page titles which are bold black and underneath them is a brief introduction to each page. The articles which are featured on the front cover has a pink heart surrounding the page number. Connotation: This magazine is aimed at a female teenage audience which can be seen by the masthead teenVOGUE which is positioned in the middle of the top of the page, this masthead is smaller compared to the Vogue magazine this is because The Vogue magazine is aimed at fully grown women whereas this teen vogue magazine is aimed at teens when they are not quite fully grown therefore the title size matches the audiences size. The teenage theme is carried on throughout this contents page because you see Taylor Swift sitting on desks in front of the board while holding a book in her hand, this makes her look like she is in school, she looks sweet because she has her head resting on her hand, her hair has curls in, she is wearing a pink feminine dress and she has bare feet which makes her look young and natural but there is a contrast in this picture because she is sitting on the desks with her feet on pieces of paper which makes her look like she is going against all of the rules, this image connects with the audience and shows they understand them because this is what most teenage girls want to be like. Teenage girls typically like to draw and doodle hearts which is why pink hearts have been placed round some of the page numbers, to make it look like a teenage girl has drawn them on and to show what articles have been featured on the front cover. The articles are presented in three stages; firstly the page numbers which are red is placed at the top, below the numbers are the page titles which are bold black and underneath them is a brief introduction to each of the pages, this is to make the layout look simple and easy to understand and read because typically teenagers don't like to read too much, so they are attracted to less writing. Rule of thirds have also been used, by splitting this contents page into three sections both horizontally and vertically which makes it look eye-catching and simple which helps encourage the targeted audience which is teenage girls to read it due to typically teenagers do not enjoy reading. The main image is in the middle third to make the page look more interesting to encourage to audience to read, the whole of the left third has most of the page numbers, due to them being positioned right from the top of the third and then continued in a list encourages the audience to start reading and then get keen to keep reading.

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