Tuesday 21 October 2014

Original ideas statement

My original ideas is that I am going to base my magazine mainly around pop music. I am also going to base my magazine around two to three other features, I will choose these features based on the results of my pop music questionnaire to see what the targeted audience wants from this pop music magazine. My intended target audience is females in their teenage years which is from the age of fourteen up until eighteen. I have chosen the pop music because this is my favourite genre of music to listen to and I also know that pop music is particular popular within the females teenage years.

Sunday 5 October 2014

College magazine analysis

This magazine has a dark background with a male model in the middle and yellow and white font colour. The model is smartly dressed with a shirt, a blazer, a watch and combed hair. He looks like he is laughing and is very happy which makes it look like the magazine could be fun which entices the students to want to buy this magazine. The yellow and white font stands out against the smart black background. The Masthead also looks smart and stands out due to how bright it is. There is also a contrast between the yellow against the black. This college magazine is most likely to be a Cambridge or oxford magazine due to the overall smart layout. The cover lines stand out using a range of fonts but mainly bold this attracts attention to them and underneath there is smaller writing this is because they are not as important. There is a pink splat which represents paintballing which is what it is advertising, inside the splat it says 'splat!' which is effective because it doesn't only look like a paintball has hit the front cover of this magazine, but it also makes the reader feel like they can hear it which makes it more realistic. The main cover line is in a large bold font and is the same colour of the masthead which is bright yellow and is taking up about a quarter of the cover area, placed under the masthead and next to the models face. This is where the reader's attention will be allowing them to see most of the important parts of the magazine, which will hopefully attract them to buy this magazine. At the bottom left corner there is the barcode and the price of the magazine and at the top right is the dateline, this is the standard format which makes it easy to find.

Friday 3 October 2014

I asked the target audience for the college magazine to take part in a questionnaire, this aloud me to find in the summary that the majority of readers are females; however there is still a large amount of males to market to as well. The majority of people answered ‘yes’ they would purchase a college magazine at the price of fifty pence, every month. The majority of people said that they wanted to see food, music and gaming as the main topics featured in the magazine. The main colours that will attract my target audience include blue, red and black. The majority of my target audience stated that food freebies would encourage them to purchase this magazine. Many people who answered my questionnaire said that they would be interested in an e-mag but would not wish to receive notifications. The majority of my target audience who answered my questionnaire said that they did not wish to contribute to the college magazine, however there is still a large group who stated that they would be willing to contribute therefore I am going to feature on my contents page, that they could get an article published if they wished. To successfully attract my target audience I am going to focus on and include all of the main aspects that they have voted for. I will also make sure that I do not include anything on the college magazine that they haven't voted for.

Thursday 2 October 2014

The questionnaire summary

There is a higher amount of females who have answered this questionnaire compared to male's. Two thirds of people answered yes they would buy this magazine compared to only one third who said no. Roughly two thirds of people said they would be willing to pay fifty pence for the college magazine compared to one third who said they wouldn't be prepared to pay anything. Almost fifty percent of people said they would buy a magazine monthly, where as the least popular choice was weekly. The three top topics are music, gaming and food compared to least favourite which as local events and sport. The three top colours are black, red and blue compared to the least favourite which was khaki. More than three quarters of people said that freebies would encourage them to buy the magazine. The most popular choice of freebie is food compared to the least favourite which is books. More than half of the people who answered the questionnaire said they would like notifications for the magazine. Just over one quarter said that they would be interested in contributing to the magazine.