Friday 3 October 2014

I asked the target audience for the college magazine to take part in a questionnaire, this aloud me to find in the summary that the majority of readers are females; however there is still a large amount of males to market to as well. The majority of people answered ‘yes’ they would purchase a college magazine at the price of fifty pence, every month. The majority of people said that they wanted to see food, music and gaming as the main topics featured in the magazine. The main colours that will attract my target audience include blue, red and black. The majority of my target audience stated that food freebies would encourage them to purchase this magazine. Many people who answered my questionnaire said that they would be interested in an e-mag but would not wish to receive notifications. The majority of my target audience who answered my questionnaire said that they did not wish to contribute to the college magazine, however there is still a large group who stated that they would be willing to contribute therefore I am going to feature on my contents page, that they could get an article published if they wished. To successfully attract my target audience I am going to focus on and include all of the main aspects that they have voted for. I will also make sure that I do not include anything on the college magazine that they haven't voted for.

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