Monday 9 March 2015

Survey results

My pop music magazine questionnaire shows that the majority of people who have answered this survey and like pop music are females. It also shows that the majority of these females are aged between thirteen to seventeen however a large amount of them are also aged between eighteen to twenty-four, therefore I am going to aim my magazine at fourteen to eighteen year olds to cover the average of these age groups. The majority of people who answered my survey answered that they would purchase my magazine monthly at the price of three pounds. The main three colours that have been chosen are white, pink and black. The majority of people said they listened to pop music by downloading it. Pop rock was the most popular pop fusion genre chosen. Fashion and celebrity gossip were the most popular topics that my target audience would like to see in my magazine along with pop music. Almost all of the people who answered this survey, selected ‘yes’ they would be interested in freebies, which would encourage them to purchase this magazine especially if the freebies were posters. Based on this research I am going to use many of these points within my magazine, which will make my magazine look professional, so that my target audience should be interested in my magazine.

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